Thermal Property Testing
Continuously innovating and evolving.
Evaluation Test of Thermal Properties
Kiguchi offers evaluation test of thermal properties using the latest TMA, DSC, and DLF.

Thermal Expansion Measurement
Evaluation of Thermal Properties by TMA (Thermomechanical analyzer)
This is a method used for measuring the amount of deformation of a sample under mechanical loads such as compression and tension while changing the temperature of the sample in programmed control.
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【Test Method/Specification】
- ASTM E1545: Standard Test Method for Assignment of the Glass Transition Temperature by Thermomechanical Analysis
- ASTM E831: Standard Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Solid Materials by Thermomechanical Analysis
- ASTM E2347: Standard Test Method for Indentation Softening Temperature by Thermomechanical Analysis
- ASTM E2092: Standard Test Method for Distortion Temperature in Three-Point Bending by Thermomechanical Analysis
【Measuring Device】
- TA Instruments TMAQ400Em
- Regaku Thermo Plus EvoⅡ
【Measuring Material】
Metal, ceramics, rubber, and plastic
【Measuring Temperature Range】
-150℃ to 1000℃

Specific Heat Measurement
Heat Capacity Measurement by DSC (Differential scanning calorimetry)
DSC measures endothermic and exothermic reactions caused by changes in the state of the sample by measuring the temperature of the reference material and the sample while applying a constant heat.
DSC is able to observe not only simple thermal reactions such as melting but also structural phase transitions and crystallization. Therefore, DSC is widely used to evaluate the physical properties of polymers, organic materials, metals and ceramics.
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【Test Method/Specification】
- ISO 8301 Thermal insulation -- Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties -- Heat flow meter apparatus
- ASTM E 1530 Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Resistance to Thermal Transmission by the Guarded Heat Flow Meter Technique
【Measuring Temperature Range】
20℃ to 100℃
【Measuring Material】
Insulation material, foam material, and ceramics

Thermal Conductivity Measurement
Measurement by Steady-State Method
This method is used for measuring thermal conductivity by giving a constant heat gradient over entire sample.

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【Test Method/Specification】
- ISO 8301 Thermal insulation -- Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties -- Heat flow meter apparatus
- ASTM E 1530 Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Resistance to Thermal Transmission by the Guarded Heat Flow Meter Technique
【Measuring Temperature Range】
20℃ to 100℃
【Measuring Material】
Insulation material, foam material, and ceramics.
Measurement by Laser Flash Method
The method is conducted through heating a plane-parallel sample with a laser pulse on the front side of the sample. The temperature increase at its back side is measured and determined. The thermal diffusivity a is calculated based on the thickness d of the specimen and the time τ as α=d2/τ.
【Test Method/Specification】
- ASTM E1461 Standard Test Method for Thermal Diffusivity by the Flash Method
- JIS R 1611 Measurement methods of thermal diffusivity, specific heat capacity, and thermal conductivity for fine ceramics by flash method
【Measuring Temperature Range】
20℃ to 1200℃
【Measuring Material】
Metal, ceramics, rubber, and plastic